Entries in health (26)


Video Encouragement : )

I am currently working on a presentation for Monday that I am giving on body image to women at a local college, and I am so excited. I have been preparing a multimedia presentation, and although I may have shared this video awhile ago, I want to share it again. Everytime that I watch it, I am moved by how powerful it is to hear different women share their feelings about their bodies. I think I watched it three times yesterday as I was compiling everything for my presentation!!

This video is compliments of The Body Image Project. Take a look and pass it on to your friends who might appreciate it. Not only is it one way to brighten your day, but you may brighten someone else's day by encouraging them to accept and celebrate who they are :)


Project HEAL Q & A- Part One

A few posts ago, I wrote about the EDC- the Eating Disorder Coalition. The EDC is focused on "research, policy and action"-- working to promote systemic change and allocating funds in order that people suffering from eating disorders will have access to the care that they need! One of the many reasons that this is important is that currently, treatment for eating disorders is not very affordable for the average US resident. Residential treatment can cost more than $1000 per day; as most treatment centers admit patients for a minimum of 30-45 days, treatment can end up costing someone more than double the cost of a college education. Money can be a very limiting factor for people who need and want to be treated! For this reason, in addition to many others, I was very impressed by Project HEAL when I learned what this non-profit organization was doing.

Project HEAL made a very strong impression on me when I first heard about the work that they were doing to help people suffering from eating disorders. I saw a story on ABC News a few months ago about a young girl who was suffering from an eating disorder and could not afford treatment. Project HEAL came alongside her family and paid for her treatment. I was interested in finding out more about Project HEAL, so I used one of my favorite resources- google:).

Project HEAL (Help to Eat, Accept and Live) is made up of three young women- Liana Rosenman, Kristina Saffran, and Becky Allen- who are working to raise awareness about eating disorders, as well as raise funds to provide scholarships to individuals who need treatment. I wanted to find out a little bit more about the girls behind the group, what they are doing to raise awareness about eating disorders, and how we can support them in their efforts. As it turns out, they are three amazing young women who are striving to use their personal experiences with eating disorders to help others in their struggles. Here is the first part of my conversation with them.

Me: So, how did you all meet and what inspired you to come together and create Project HEAL?

PJ: It's actually a funny story. Liana was in Long Island Jewish Eating Disorder Treatment Center when Becky was there. When Becky was discharged she was there with Kristina. She kept in touch with both of them after her treatment there as they were a huge support system! About a year later she and Becky decided to have an "LIJ Halloween Reunion". We invited the people we were in treatment with, roughly about 20 girls, but it ended up just being the three of us. Since then our bond has only grown.

Becky originated the idea for Project HEAL. She was at a healthy weight and far along the road to recovery. Mentally, she was pretty strong, but once in a while would still look in the mirror and question whether she truly looked good. The idea was a very "spur of the moment" type thing. One night she was thinking, "Life shouldn't be like this. People shouldn't be so overly focused on their physical appearances." That, combined with witnessing people being turned away from treatment because their insurance would not cover them and their parents could not afford to pay out of pocket, led her to develop the idea for Project HEAL. After outlining its goals -- to raise money for eating disorder sufferers who otherwise would not be able to afford treatment and to educate the public on the dangers of eating disorders -- she called Liana and Kristina to see if they would be interested in jump starting this organization with her.

Me: I noticed on your website that you all have been able to give out four scholarships for treatment- that is really remarkable!!! What are some of your hopes and dreams for Project HEAL? What are some things that you all want to see happen as a result of your dedication and hard work? I saw Liana's interview on CBS and thought the benefit concert was a great idea!!

PH: Project HEAL's long term dream is to open a treatment center! We have so many ideas, from how [each] day [in treatment] is planned, what food will be served, and even the design of it! We are hoping to spread our message even further. We want to help as many people as we can! Project HEAL sends approximately two applicants to treatment a year. We hope we can raise this amount. We are looking to begin planning a benefit concert in the near future! We have been in touch with Jessica Simpson, and are hoping this will work out!

Our most immediate goal is to open chapters of Project HEAL at high schools and colleges. The idea would be for the students in these chapters to fundraise for Project HEAL and to educate their peers on the dangers of eating disorders.

To read the rest of the interview and hear about how you can get involved, check back soon!


On 'Stigmatizing Health' and Orthorexia Nervosa

The Huffington Post is great at stirring up controversy with its opinion pieces. That's partly why I love it. It's a good (and fairly benign) forum for people to engage with different thoughts and think critically. What I don't love, though, is when people write things that are not accurate or informed. Case in point- the other day, someone wrote an article on orthorexia nervosa that was very misinformed. It's okay if people have differing opinions (based on empirical evidence) regarding how to effectively treat an eating disorder, or if people disagree on how we can improve and increase accessibility of treatment. What is tough though is when someone in a public forum, who has no psychological training, refutes the validity of a mental illness.

The article is HERE if you are interested in checking it out. Or, I can save you the four minutes and give you a brief synopsis. In all honesty, you might want to read it just to get a sense of her perspective, but Christina Pirello argues that orthorexia nervosa has been made up by psychologists and health professionals in order that the status quo is maintained, which essentially fuels an industry (pharmaceutical) created to profit from our unhealthy eating. She believes that healthy eaters should not be marginalized for choosing to eat healthily and that healthy eating does not equate with being mentally unstable. While I agree with her on that last part, I think the problem with her argument is that she really doesn't get that eating disorders are not a lifestyle choice, like healthy eating is. Eating disorders are a mental illness. Someone who suffers from an orthorexia is no more choosing to eat healthy than someone who suffers from bipolar disorder chooses to have a mood disorder.

Orthorexia nervosa is not just the desire to eat healthy. Orthorexia interferes with one's ability to live a normal, high functioning life due to the pursuit of eating only pure and healthy foods. This may mean avoiding work, family and social commitments or events to avoid having to eat anything that is not pure, raw or healthy. Orthorexia is also pathological in nature. This means that the disorder goes beyond someone's desire to adhere to healthy eating; there are negative consequences that result from the behavior. If someone is just eating healthily, that is not pathological! It is pathological though when this pursuit of healthy eating interferes with one's ability to lead a normal life. The preoccupation with healthy eating can become an interference in everyday activities, relationships and life. It also becomes pathological when one's health is compromised. Often, one who is orthorexic may avoid eating anything but fruits and veggies- the way that this can affect one's body can be detrimental. Your brain needs carbs to function properly (maybe Pirello needs some carbs!) and your body needs other essential nutrients that cannot be utilized from a handful of foods. While I can appreciate a perspective that is different than my own, my fear is that Pirello's perspective serves to further perpetuate myths about eating disorders. For more information on orthorexia nervosa, follow this link.


The Joy Project

Help those suffering from eating disorders by voting for the Joy Project in Pepsi's Refresh Project! Pepsi has organized this project as an opportunity for people, businesses and non-profits to share ideas that will make a positive impact on communities. Anyone can submit an idea, as well as vote! And, there are only 2 days left to vote before they start a new month over and , so if you are interested, you may want to check it out soon!! The Joy Project is currently ranked #64 and needs some more votes (quickly) if they are going to receive some funding!!

The Joy Project is seeking 25k to fund a program called Roots of Recovery- the money is being used to rent a meeting space to conduct their meetings and activities, as well as fund the activities and meetings! They are not providing therapy or nutrition services, and are not licensed clinicians. However, they are interested in providing support, education and research- all things that are needed in the field of eating disorders! If you are interested in finding out more about the Joy Project (or voting), follow this link. To check our the Joy Project's website, follow this link.



I have posted in the past (here) about 'eating disorders not otherwise specified' -- commonly referred to as EDNOS. As a diagnosis, EDNOS is not very specific-- if one does not meet the criteria for anorexia or bulimia, then he or she is lumped into the EDNOS diagnosis. In this way, it can sometimes be seen as the 'kitchen sink' diagnosis. This can be problematic for many reasons-- mainly, a single diagnosis used for people that experience a range of different behavioral symptoms (binge eating- no purging, purging- no bingeing, night eating, etc) is not necessarily effective when it comes to treating the eating disorder. There was an article published in the NY Times awhile back that I have been meaning to post that you can access by following this link which addresses this very issue. I would encourage you all to check this article out! It helps to bust a few common eating disorder myths and provides a little more background on EDNOS. For more info on EDNOS, follow this link.